How Does Tuffy Toledo (Airport Hwy) Know What to Recommend?
August 11, 2024
When you drop your vehicle off at Tuffy Toledo (Airport Hwy) in Toledo, they don't just poke around under your hood looking for stuff to do. Tuffy Toledo (Airport Hwy) professionals have lists and procedures they follow for different types of service. First of all, your Toledo service center will... More

Speak Up: Talking with Your Tuffy Toledo (Airport Hwy) Service Advisor
December 10, 2023
About 80% of the vehicles on Toledo roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren't performing as well as they could be - thousands right here in OH. Some of the maintenance issues are minor. Others r... More

Ethics of Automotive Repair in Toledo
October 22, 2023
We're going to be talking about the ethics of automotive repair. It seems like news outlets really like hit-and-run reporting; they hit everyone from groceries stores to retail to physicians. And the Toledo automotive service and repair industry hasn't been given a pass either.Unfortunately, ever... More

Service Center Standard and Procedures
July 9, 2023
All OH pilots have checklists for every aspect of flying. They always use their checklists even if they only have two steps on them. They do this simply because a checklist is a great way to not forget steps. It is also how they can assure a predictable outcome. That is why Toledo automotive se... More