Busted: The Maintenance-Free Myth in Toledo
December 31, 2023
There's a segment of the Toledo area population that's not committed to proper vehicle maintenance. Now, the ignition system in your vehicle is electronic and controlled by the engine management computer. Spark plugs rarely get fouled and will last for as much as 100,000 miles (160,000 kilomete... More
Fuel Injection: It Keeps Getting Better for Toledo Drivers
December 24, 2023
Toledo residents know that engines need to burn fuel to operate. Fuel is pumped from your fuel tank to your vehicle engine where it is squirtedor injectedinto your engine's cylinders. This is the function of the fuel injectors.There are two ways to inject fuel into an engine. Fuel needs air to b... More
Does Your Car Have A Recall Item?
December 17, 2023
Recalls are pretty serious for Toledo residents and don't happen all that often. But sometimes cars have less serious problems that Toledo residents still might want to know about. For these less serious cases, the vehicle manufacturer issues what is known as a Technical Service Bulletin or TSB.... More
Speak Up: Talking with Your Tuffy Toledo (Airport Hwy) Service Advisor
December 10, 2023
About 80% of the vehicles on Toledo roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren't performing as well as they could be - thousands right here in OH. Some of the maintenance issues are minor. Others r... More
In That Case? (Transfer Case Exchange)
December 3, 2023
Ever wonder how all-wheel-drive or 4-wheel-drive vehicles get the power from the engine to the front and rear wheels? The magic happens in what's called a transfer case. In some all-wheel-drive vehicles, it's sometime called a power take-off unit, or PTU. Inside the transfer case is a set of gea... More